Don't miss your region's AGM today

26 April 2021 | David Young

All 2021 IAEA regional AGMs will be held simultaneously on Zoom today from 18:30

Don't miss your regional AGM today


18:30 Regions will host an informal AGM

As there have been no local events or CPD activity, there will be no formal reporting at the regional AGMs, but this will provide an opportunity for local committees to share their plans for when restrictions are eased, and to answer questions from attendees.

19:00 CPD session

Following the AGMs (19:00) there will be a CPD presentation given by Andrew Marsh Hon.F.Inst.A.E.A, co-owner and engineering director, Ezi-Methods.

How will the virtual AGMs & CPD session work?

The AGMs will be held in virtual breakout rooms separate to the main meeting room.

When members join, they will select the relevant regional breakout room. When the AGMs are completed, the breakout rooms will be closed and attendees moved back to the main room, where the CPD presentation will start at 19:00.

How to join the AGMs and CPD session

The activities are being hosted on Zoom, joining instructions will be provided once registration is completed. There is an attendance form for registration for both regional AGM and Andrew Marsh's CPD session.

Full details for IAEA regional AGMs 2021 and CPD session