As well as the Executive, Council Members and Regional Committees, we have three working groups which meet regularly to progress specific IAEA business in the key areas of Education, Membership and Public Relations

These groups comprise Council Members and IAEA members who have volunteered or been co-opted to join the working group.

Education Committee

This is led by Mark Wells

The committee meets at least four times to plan the Education programme for the year. This covers a wide range of tasks:

  • Reviewing the relevance and scope of the IAEA's education material
  • Reviewing study programmes
  • Planning Examination schedules
  • Recruiting and providing advice and support to tutors/mentors for the IAEA study programmes
  • Appointing examination invigilators
  • Reviewing exam results
  • Question writing and updating

For more details contact Mark Wells

Membership Committee

Les Minton is responsible for reviewing applications to join the Institute. There is a constant flow of potential new members and Les looks at every submission to judge each applicant's suitability to join the IAEA and undertake the relevant study route. Les receives support from Head Office as well members of the Education Committee and Council.

For more information contact Les Minton

Public Relations

Philip Briggs is currently responsible for IAEA PR.

There IAEA PR Officer is responsible for promoting the IAEA to all sectors, whether it be insurers, commercial groups, the motor trade including bodyshops and independent assessing companies and groups.

The IAEA uses all forms of media to reach the various sectors – social media, the press and internet.

If you have any PR questions or would like to apply for the role or get involved with this working group please contact Philip here.