There are three main IAEA membership levels

Whether you are just starting out in your career, have gained an IAEA approved qualification or are an experienced engineer, there is a level appropriate for you. The levels of membership are as follows:

Affiliate (no post nominals)

The first step for all members is to join at Affiliate level

You will need to have a comprehensive education and training record relevant to motor vehicle repair and be currently employed in the industry.

The grade of Affiliate does not provide the holder with any post nominals that can be referenced in reports or on company stationery/websites. This also includes reference to the term 'Member' or use of the Institute's logo on any stationery/website. Any incorrect use of post nominals may result in a breach of the IAEA code of conduct.

Associate (A.Inst.A.E.A)

The next level upon sitting our exams and passing our practical (or equivalent) is an Associate of the IAEA, for which you need to have a comprehensive education/relevant training record

In addition to this, you would also have the relevant training/apprenticeship in vehicle damage assessment as well as having passed the Institute's oral examination in the last four years or passed two of the Institute's written examinations of sections 2,3 or 4. You will also need to have passed the Institute's practical examination within the last four years, or equivalent for example, IMI VDA holders but conditions apply.

Member (M.Inst.A.E.A)

The top level of membership upon sitting our exams and passing our practical (or equivalent) is Member

To achieve this level, you will need a comprehensive education/relevant training record, as well as being engaged as an engineer assessor in an automotive assessing role in connection with automotive damage claims. You will also have passed at least four of the Institute's written examinations sections 2,3 and 4 are compulsory (two of which may have been passed at Associate level) as well as having a current (less than four years old) Institute Practical Examination or equivalent - for example, IMI VDA holders but conditions apply.

In addition, we have two fellowships

Both of these grades are nominations from the IAEA Council which are approved by the national council following a closed review process.

Honorary Fellow

The distinction of Honorary Fellowship is conferred by appointment of the IAEA national council upon persons not being members of the Institute, who have rendered special service to the Institute and agree to become Honorary Fellows of the Institute.

Fellow (F.Inst.A.E.A)

A Corporate Member (full Member), who has rendered special services to the Institute may be elected to Fellowship by appointment of the national IAEA council.