SectionDescriptionDurationPass Mark
Part 1 General Industry Knowledge16 Questions25 minutes70%
 Multiple choice questions to assess knowledge and understanding of the basic motor vehicle repair and safety critical aspects of repair.  
Part 2 Code of Practice15 Questions20 minutes80%
 Multiple choice questions to assess knowledge and understanding of the Code of Practise for the Categorisation of Motor Vehicle Salvage.  
Part 3 Salvage Categorisation15 Questions45 minutes80%
 15 Salvage Categorisation case studies. Each case study includes vehicle details, list of parts/repair required and photographs of the damaged vehicle.  

Also note

  • Candidates must achieve the required pass mark in all three sections.
  • The assessment is online, unused time for one section is not carried forward to another section. A countdown timer is displayed within the online assessment and visible at all times during the assessment.
  • Before starting the assessment, candidates are required to agree to the terms of the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct signifies an individual's acceptance to comply with the terms of the Code of Practice for Categorisation of Vehicle Salvage and that failure to adhere to the required standards could result in removal of the competency based unique identifier.
  • In the event that a candidate fails one or more section, only the sections where the pass mark has not been achieved must be retaken, provided this exam session is within three months of the original exam. Candidates retaking failed section(s) after three months of the original exam session will have to retake all three sections.