Thursday, 17 March 2016

Mechanical Breakdown Claims Investigation

Scottish Region met at Inchyra Grange Hotel, Polmont, on Wednesday 18 March 2015. Chairman Hugh Doherty welcome the members and after the usual formalities, called upon the evening's speaker, Alex Florence, regional assessor, Car Care Plan Ltd. There was scarcely need to introduce Alex as he is a member of the Institute and a regular attender and supporter of the Scottish Region.

Alex has been in his post for around 25 years and covers a very large area. Prior to this, he had served a motor engineering apprenticeship followed by some interesting and responsible positions within the industry.

Mechanical breakdown warranty policies are available to motor traders and fleet users. A range of cover is available and can include power units, fuel systems, transmission, suspension, brakes etc also electrical components. When there is a potential claim, the vehicle owner would usually issue dismantling instructions to reveal the nature and extent of damage. Alex visits repairers workshops to investigate, examining the components in order to determine whether or not the disclosed damage lies within the scope of the policy allowing a valid claim. Fair wear and tear, collision damage and pre-existing problems are excluded.

Through his powerpoint presentation, Alex was able to display examples of the type of claims which arise. Most claims are routine but others need careful attention and require up-to-date technical knowledge to ensure that the correct decision is reached. During the Question and Answer session, there was much discussion in connection with the symptoms, cause, damage and rectification in keeping with the cover provided by the policy. Nothing of a confidential nature was discussed.

This was a good meeting with a sound presentation from a very experienced engineer. Before closing the meeting at 9.30pm, our Chairman thanked Alex on behalf of the members who responded in the usual way.

Peter Ramsay